i LOVE LOVE LOVE my church

i really really do!  it’s awesome that Ethan loves waking up sunday morning to go to church and we don’t have to drag him outta bed.  Enzo on the other hand is a little slower on the wake up call but once you tell him we have to get ready for church, he is out of that bed and stripping his jammies off!

Today we were walking around a store and Enzo started singing a song and said they sang that new song at church. He kept singing, “Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord, Halleujah!” It was just too sweet! I know it doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but i love that he’s learning old school songs that Toots and I grew up with. I love that I don’t have to wonder or ever worry about Enzo getting a strong Biblical foundation outside our home. Enzo tells me that his teacher reads him stories out of the Bible “too much” (his words not mine hehe). I was reading a book one day, and he asked me if i was reading my Bible. After telling him that I do read my Bible, but the book I was reading was a different book, he said his teacher, Ms. Karen (which he LOVES LOVES LOVES) tell him stories about Jesus from her Bible everyday (meaning every Sunday). How cool is that? I know its stuff that you expect out of a church but what can I say, I’m easy to please!

I love that I know Ethan is not just taught HOW to live a christian life in such a secular world, but he’s taught WHY. He sees that living for God doesn’t have to mean being uncool or being a boring person, because he sees how his youth leaders treat him. he really likes them! esp his small group teacher, Mr. Stan, and one of the youth leaders that plays the guitar in the youth band, Justin. Ethan really likes him! Ethan hangs out a bit after church is over and they play ping pong, pool or Wii. Ethan loves his youth pastor, Tim, because he has crazy stories that go everywhere but in the end always talk about God (Ethan’s explanation not mine). Well that and because Ethan thinks Tim looks like David Blaine! They really go the extra mile for the youth and make them feel included.

Personally, I don’t think Tim the Youth Pastor looks like David Blaine, but Ethan seems to think so, maybe its the hair…or the lack of it….

Tim Gray is the one in the middle with the crazy face

David Blaine, some magician that really creeps me out…eek!

hmm…oh yeah those aren’t my pictures, hopefully they don’t mind, I got Tim’s picture off our church website and David Blaine off the internet.

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